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地暖維修 NEW(最新消息:)

 按此撥打93091403(Larry Wong)  

 93091403 按WhatsApp

【找出發熱線損壞的位置?Locate the break point】

Is it possible to find out the break point? (否能夠找出損壞的位置?)

What kinds of instruments or machines can we use to check and investigate the location of the break points?

Step 1: Testing and measurement (To check what kinds of damages):

1. To test the heating cables open circuit or short circuit

2. To test ground wire short circuit or open circuit

3. To check the technical value of the insulation of the heating cables

4. To check the thermostatic controls and the external sensors

As above, we can analyze what kinds of damage of the under floor warming system.


(We can use 2 to 3 professional instruments and machines to check what kinds of damages of the systems)

Step 2: To locate the break point:

If we conclude the damage is suitable by using the advanced instruments and machines to locate the break point, we can try to use the them  to locate the break point:

1. To activate the heating cable by using our special instruments and machines

2. Using the receiver to find our the signal OR

3. Using another instrument to activate the heating cable

4. To find our the break point

5. To locate the break point (see the follow pictures)

(Please note that it will not be 100% to find out the break points. Around 90% successful rate to find out the break points by our partners in New Zealand)


Step 3: How to re-connect the break points?

If we can locate the break points, you may only remove the required or little adjacent flooring materials (No need to re-install the new system) and re-connect the break point.

1. Please ask your contractor to remove the required flooring materials very carefully. Otherwise the other length of the good heating cable would be damaged. And remove the cement sand screed very carefully.

2. Ask your floor warming supplier or contractor to reconnect the break point

3. To test the heating cable whether it is completely re-connected or not

4. To cover cement sand screed on top. (You are required to ensure the connection point is 100% waterproof)

5. To cover the new flooring materials

6. You can turn on the thermostat to test surface temp yourself


Our company will only provide the services of testing and measurement as well as to find out the break points. We will not re-connect the break points. Please call your contractor to do it!

Please note that the lifetime of the repaired heating cables must not better than before

Consultant Fee?

All the above services will be charged case by case, please call if you need any further information:



步驟 1: 測試及量度地暖專用發熱線系統 (找出是那一樣部件損壞及分析出發熱線是那一種損壞):

1. 測試發熱線是短路還是斷路

2. 測試水線是短路還是斷路

3. 測試發熱線的絕緣值情況

4. 測試恆溫控制器及傳感器



備註: 嘗試找出發熱線損壞的位置前,必須經過以上步驟測試。經分析後是否有機會找到損壞的位置。

步驟 2: 找出發熱線損壞的位置:


1. 使用專用器材激活發熱線

2. 使用專用器材接收訊號    或

3. 使用另類專業器材激活發熱線

4. 找出損壞位置

5. 記錄損壞的位置讓後來者跟進

(備註: 以上的測試並非 100% 成功,跟據廠家統計,大約有九成成功率左右)


步驟 3: 怎樣重新接駁損壞了的位置?


1. 請提示你的判頭移除地面材料時 (地板材料連英泥沙)必須非常小心,否則其它未有損壞的發熱線都弄傷。

2. 請安排你的發熱系統供應商派人重新接駁好發熱線

3. 測試發熱線及系統是否接駁妥當成功

4. 施放好保護英泥沙 (確保發熱線的接駁口 100% 防水)

5. 安裝好地板材料

6. 客房自行測試地面溫度

(備註: 我們公司只提供發熱線損壞的測試及找出損壞位置,不會提供重新接駁服務,請聯絡你自己的供應商)






1. 我們加拿大廠家 C.C.L. 的 "Ultimum" Twin Conductors Type 雙重回路式地暖專用發熱線增加直徑至 4-5mm,大大增加發熱線的抗壓能力(在香港已經有客戶使用超過 20 年了,完成了 900 個地暖工程項目)


2. 我們英國廠家 Heat Force UK Ltd. 出品的新西蘭品牌 Wonderheat Cable 的地暖專用發熱線現已將第二層絕緣材料 (outer PTFE insulation jacket) 增厚,並加上最高抗漏電能力及抗拉扯力的 Kapton Film,直徑由原來的大約 2 mm  增加至 3 mm,大大增加了發熱線的絕緣及受壓的力量。 (在中港澳地區已經完成了 900 個工程項目了)


全港唯一包含不同地板材料的地暖系統  SHOW ROOM已於2012年11月份登場




 按此撥打93091403(Larry Wong)  

 93091403 按WhatsApp

Showroom 不會有人註場,敬請預約時間參觀或訂購產品。

Please make appointment if you want to visit our workshop or showroom!





 - 不同地板材料 (地台瓦或地磚、木地板等) 的電暖式地暖系統 DEMO

 - (C.C.L. 及 Wonderheat Cable 均為雙重絕緣材料所包裹) - 市場上最高標準的絕緣材料: 防漏電、防腐、防鹼、防水、抗磨蝕等等)

電熱式鏡底防霧發熱貼 DEMO

 電熱式毛巾暖架 (不同款式) 的 DEMO

高溫斷電裝置衣櫃防潮板、並由最穩定材料 calcium silicate 製造及機身設有開關裝置的 DEMO (由我們設計並由廠家指定生產, 全港唯一合符有關標準及要求)

其它發熱產品的 DEMO

- 鋼化玻璃電暖毛巾架 (NEW)

-  坐地式不鏽鋼電暖毛巾架 (NEW)


Our show room has started from Nov 2012 up to now including:

Canada C.C.L. electric under floor warming system (for different flooring materials such as floor tiles, wood, etc.) demo

- New Zealand WonderHeat Cable double layers outstanding grade (better than excellent grade) insulation layers PTFE electric under floor heating elements) -  Outstanding Grade in the market: PTFE insulation materials against electricity, anti-corrosion, alkaline resistance, waterproof and very stable up to 260C)

Electric mirror demister demo

Electric towel rails in different models

Thermal cutout electric cabinet heaters (Wardrobe Heater) (New Design)

Other heating products

Tempered glass electric towel warmer (NEW)

Floor stand type stainless steel electric towel rails (NEW)

-  Thermostatic cabinet tubular heater (NEW)

- Thermostatic concealed 3 models fan type heaters (NEW)


By appointment only/ 歡迎預約參觀!


Contact person:

 按此撥打93091403(Larry Wong)  

 93091403 按WhatsApp


Mr. M.K. Cheung (9309 0272 按此WhatsApp)



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