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牆身發熱系統/ 櫈上發熱系統

牆身發熱系統/ 櫈上發熱系統

簡介:Wall heater or bench heater


牆身發熱系統/ 櫈上發熱系統

Wall heating system (牆身發熱系統)

♦ Provide heat from the wall to the room (30 to 40 deg C)

♦ Easy installation

♦ Reliable and long last for years

♦ Can use thermostatic control to adjust temperature

♦ In 230V/50Hz/1ph from 150W to 3000W

♦ Comply to international standard IEC

♦ Can be used for towel warming system

♦ Can be used for room warming system


♦ 牆身變身成電暖毛巾架可使毛巾乾燥

♦ 牆身發熱系統可同時提供足夠溫度使空間溫暖

♦ 可隨牆身形狀變化安裝發熱系統,變化多端

♦ 專用發熱線壽命極長

♦ 可調較溫度






Bench heating (櫈上發熱系統)

♦ Heating up the bench (30 to 40 deg C)

♦ Easy installation

♦ Reliable and long last for years

♦ Can use thermostatic control to adjust temperature

♦ In 230V/50Hz/1ph from 150W to 3000W

♦ Comply to international standard IEC


♦ 適合浴室及蒸汽室等使用

♦ 使到石櫈表面溫暖

♦ 非常耐用

♦ 可調較溫度 



Please contact us if you need any further information 

Contact Person:


 按此撥打93091403(Larry Wong)  

 93091403 按WhatsApp


Mr. M.K. Cheung (9309 0272 按此WhatsApp)

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