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S&B Enterprises Asia Limited

S&B Development Company

 按此撥打93091403(Larry Wong)  

 93091403 按WhatsApp



我們在香港已經有超過 24 年以上的設計及安裝地暖系統的經驗!完成接近 1000 個項目合共已安裝了 6000 套地暖系統。我們對於處理不同的地台材料(如雲石地台、地磚材料、地台瓦、木板材料包括實木地板、無縫木地板、 engineering wooden floor、地氈、自流平水泥地及普通水泥層等等)配合地暖系統有非常豐富的經驗;如何避免地暖系統被損壞已掌握一套非常完善的監察程序。若需要取得我們的工程案例文件,請聯絡我們


S & B has been involved within the markets of supply heating products such as electric under floor warming systems (heating systems, heated floor, heating mats, radiant floor heating systems, etc.), hydronic under floor heating system (hot-water type heating systems) for more than 24 years and already completed approx 1000 nos. of projects in HK, Macau and China. 

We also supply  electric mirror demisters, electric towel rails, electric towel warmers, tempered glass electric towel warmer, thermal cutout cabinet heaters (wardrobe heater), hot yoga sub-bathing heating panel systems, wall mounted electric radiator, other heating products since 2000. 

S & B can proudly boast the largest variety of heating products and systems available in Hong Kong market.

We are qualified and provide a localized full design and installation services to our customers, ensuring the highest quality of service.

We continually assesses the needs of the local markets and we place emphasis on introducing new, high quality, heating concepts, and improving on existing concepts at realistic prices.



♦ 加拿大製的或同等級數的國家出品的電熱式地暖專用發熱線系統及進口水暖式地暖系統,這種發熱地板最適合香港的潮濕天氣,適合用於木地板、雲石地台、地磚、地台瓦等使其常保乾爽,而於較冷月份時使用,又能發放平均的熱力,同時用電量甚低,能節省金錢和電力地台發熱系統。

♦ 更備有進口浴室鏡除霧裝置(又稱為防霞防霧鏡底發熱貼散熱鏡貼)

♦  我們主要提供歐洲進口電熱充油式 (電鍍)毛巾暖架高級鋼材電熱式 (電鍍) 毛巾暖架不銹鋼電暖毛巾架,我們亦同時推出鋼化玻璃電熱毛巾架,使到浴室內的毛巾及  衣服更溫暖。

♦ 我們並代理歐洲進口品牌水熱式地台加熱系統及掛牆式電暖散熱器等。

♦ 我們最新提供新西蘭品牌 (印度廠房)高溫斷電衣櫃防潮板,以取代過熱的防潮管。

♦ 其它傳統的發熱產品亦可供選擇,可隨時與我們聯絡!



Job Refs List in HK, Macau, China since 2002




Ask for the project refs list,

please contact: info@sb-hk.com.hk

Specially for under floor warming systems more than 24 years in HK.Completed approx 1000 nos. of jobs ( approx 6000 installations of floor warming systems) in HK. If you need our job references list, please contact us.



請聯絡我們 info@sb-hk.com.hk

我們由2002年起(實際上由2000年已經開始),專門從事有關於地暖系統的設計、安裝及提供顧問服務環節。我們在香港已經完成了 1000 個地暖工程的項目,不論項目小至一個浴室以至整個大宅過萬平方尺的地暖工程項目,我們都從不取巧,做足本份,為客戶設計合適地面溫度,提供舒適的室內環境;至今,已經安裝了超過 6000 地暖系統。







Contact Person: Mr Larry

 按此撥打93091403(Larry Wong)  

 93091403 按WhatsApp

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